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Refund Policy

At Baillie & Raven Genealogy Research, I strive to provide the highest quality service and ensure customer satisfaction. However, due to the nature of genealogical research, I have established the following refund policy to clarify the terms and conditions regarding payments and refunds.

Refund Policy

Termination by Client: If the client decides to terminate the research after it has commenced, the original payment will not be refunded under any circumstances due to research already taking place/ The determination of the refund amount will be at my sole discretion.

Completion of Research: Once the genealogical research commences, no refunds will be issued. The client is responsible for reviewing the final report and addressing any concerns or questions during the research process. 

Dissatisfaction with Results: While I strive to achieve the highest level of accuracy and thoroughness in my research, genealogical research can be inherently uncertain due to the availability and condition of historical records. Dissatisfaction with the research results does not qualify for a refund, as the fee covers the time and effort invested in the research process, regardless of the outcome.

No Records Found
In the event that no records can be found for your case, the following applies:

Notification: I will notify you as soon as it becomes apparent that no relevant records can be found after exhaustive research efforts.
Outstanding Fee: If no records are found, you will still not receive a refund. Please see above section 'Dissatisfaction with Results' for more details.

Dispute Resolution
Any disputes arising from or related to this refund policy or my services shall be resolved through good faith negotiations. If a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to mediation or arbitration as mutually agreed by the parties.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about this Refund Policy, please contact me at:

Baillie & Raven
Phone: (+44) 07568 920649

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